Well I just listed 2 Halloween Bears on ebay and added a bunch of new bears to my Etsy Shop! I added pictures of some of them above! When you get a minute head on over to my ebay and my etsy and check them out...you can just click on the links to the right on the sidebar :o) I really enjoy making these little bears! All hand stitchin'... a lot of work but SEW much fun!
I am working on more Halloween creations...I am soooooo ready for Fall! It's been such a HOT Summer! We need rain so badly, our lawn looks like a field of hay! I can't wait for cool sweatshirt days! Making big pots of chili and stew! Goin' apple pickin' and baking pies! Then when Winter comes we'll all be saying we can't wait for Spring LOL! Well back to sewin' with some laundry in between!
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